Red Hat Academy

Una importante opportunità per gli studenti del Dipartimento

Una importante opportunità per gli studenti del Dipartimento

Il Dipartimento di Informatica è partner della Red Hat Academy.

È una importante opportunità per gli studenti dei corsi di Laurea triennale e magistrale e del dottorato del Dipartimento che possono usufruire gratuitamente di corsi online di qualità su argomenti di grande interesse (di seguito alcune informazioni).

Lo studente interessato ad usufruire della Red Hat academy, deve
a) creare un RH login personale (e validarlo via email) seguendo la procedura disponibile al link Create a RH login. Per la procedura è necessario usare la mail istituzionale unisa.
b) compilare il form disponibile alla pagina

È anche una opportunità di creare il proprio profilo in modo che possa essere considerato ai fini delle assunzioni.



The Red Hat Academy program is proud to announce that we are offering the following courses as a Self Paced option for students through the Red Hat Academy Learning Platform.

Available Courses:

This Self Paced course module can be utilized by any student enrolled at your college or university, but students must be added to a course by a Red Hat Academy instructor on the Learning Platform. This learning modality gives students the flexibility and control to learn at their own pace, through viewing video modules and following along through our course content and labs.

Get Started Today! Simply create a class on the Red Hat Academy Learning Platform and enroll your students! If you need a refresher on how to create a class, revisit clip #7 on creating classes.If you have any questions, please reach out to the Red Hat Academy team.

Here again the courses with FREE content we offer to our Red Hat Academies (the content is the same as the one we offer to professionals, curriculum worth 20 000-30 000 Euros):

Red Hat System Administration I (RH124)

Red Hat System Administration II (RH134)

Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation (RH294)

Red Hat OpenStack Administration I: Core Operations for Domain Operators (CL110)

Introduction to OpenShift Applications ( DO101)

Red Hat OpenShift I: Containers & Kubernetes ( DO180)

Red Hat Application Development I: Programming in Java™ EE (AD183)

Red Hat OpenShift Development I: Introduction to Containers with Podman (DO188)

Red Hat Training Presents: Introduction to Python Programming (AD141)

Red Hat Training: Getting Started with Linux Fundamentals (RH104)Network Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (DO457)

RED HAT ACADEMY TALENT NETWORK- JOB PORTAL - Red Hat Academy Talent Network Intro Video

Pubblicato il 28 Ottobre 2024