Didattica | Sustainable Construction from Re-use to New-use
Didattica Sustainable Construction from Re-use to New-use
Dear all,
the Directors Board decided to postpone the Summer School to next year, during summer 2022. The decision was hard but we realized that difficulties are still present due to COVID pandemic. As already realized in 2020, doing a school without laboratories, practical activities, technical visits and social part has strong limitations.
For this reason, and following the success of the 2020 edition, we are glad to announce the 2nd edition of the International Symposium on “Sustainable Construction” (SustaCon), on the 2nd and the 3rd of September 2021.
For further information, please visit the following link: https://www.diciv.unisa.it/unisa-rescue-page/dettaglio/id/1678/module/487/row/6535/second-international-symposium-on-sustainable-construction
Dear All,
as members of the Directors Board, we are glad to announce the 3rd edition of the Summer School “Sustainable Construction: from re-use to new use” (SustaCon21). The event is organized yearly by the University of Salerno (UNISA), Italy, involving the Department of Civil Engineering (DICIV) and the Department of Information and Electric Engineering and Applied Mathematics (DIEM), and the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Riga Technical University (RTU), Latvia.
In 2020 we decided to postpone the Summer School because of the pandemic, and we celebrated an online International Symposium about Sustainable Construction. The symposium was a great success, with more than 90 participants, including registered applicants, lecturers, organizers and guests. From this success we now move the first step towards the SustaCon21 event, with great enthusiasm and positive feelings.
This year, the Summer School will take place from August 26 to September 3, 2021, in Salerno, Italy. At the end the school, a one-day workshop dedicated to Sustainable Construction will be celebrated within an international conference. Participation to the workshop will be included in the SustaCon21 school registration fee. We will provide more info about the program in a further communication.
The SustaCon21 school is organized online and in person, fulfilling the sanitary rules of distancing, mask and frequent sanitizing of hands and classrooms. We are confident that vaccine campaigns and seasonality of the virus will allow organizing the school in presence in Salerno, enjoying also the social part of the event in a safe mode. However, according to the national and international restrictions that will be in force in summertime, we will consider the possibility to move the school completely in online version, providing all the educational activities and lectures to the participants. The final decision will be provided to the registered participants in time to help arranging the trip. If sudden changes will occur and closing of the borders will be active, the SustaCon secretariat will assist registered participants in dealing with possible issues that will arise.
The previous editions of the Summer School have been held in Riga in 2018 and 2019:
- https://www.rtu.lv/en/internationalization/international-events/summer-schools/archive-1/sustainability
- https://www.rtu.lv/lv/bif/Internac_sustainability
In 2021 edition, we will propose a similar program, with lectures provided by important international scientists in the fields of sustainable construction, including, among the others, Architecture, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, BIM, Acoustics and Natural Radioactivity (Applied Physics). Besides the classes, if possible, SustaCon21 will propose practical activities in the laboratories at the University of Salerno Campus, as well as visits to enterprises and field workshops. Individual assignments and teamwork will be scheduled in the program, to develop a project, supported by mentors from UNISA, that will be discussed and defended during the final meeting.
The SustaCon21 school represents an important chance to improve students’ skills and to develop their abilities in the sustainable construction domain, as well as to boost the networking, the cooperation and the interdisciplinary thinking. Social events, excursions and other activities will be considered too, in fulfilment of the sanitary rules. Visits to Greek and Roman cultural sites and to the beautiful landscapes of the Salerno coasts will let the students fall in an immersive experience of the Italian culture.
We would be grateful if you could share this call among anybody you think may be interested in the Summer School, in your institute and elsewhere. The main characters of this event will be the participants and we will do our best to offer them a great experience, both from the scientific and the social points of view.
We look forward to meeting all the applicants in Salerno, sure that their attendance will be valuable for the success of the school.
prof. Martinš Vilnitis Faculty of Civil Engineering Riga Technical University Founder and Co-director of the Summer School | prof. Michele Guida Department of Information and Electric Engineering and Applied Mathematics University of Salerno Funder and Co-director of the Summer School | prof. Claudio Guarnaccia Department of Civil Engineering University of Salerno Co-director of the Summer School |
The organizing committee will be happy to answer all the questions which might occur before or during the summer school.
Organizing committee email: sustainableconstruction@unisa.it
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SustaCon/