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The Department was founded in 1994 with the name of Department of Chemistry by Professor Adolfo Zambelli, former collaborator of the Nobel Laureate Giulio Natta. prof. Zambelli directed the first degree program in Chemistry at the Salerno University, where he remains as Emeritus Professor. The Department developed starting from the great research tradition in the field of the stereospecific polymerization of the Natta’s school, and it has been enriched by the subsequent contribution in the field of the chemistry of natural substances, thanks to the appointment of prof. Guido Sodano, who was the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences until his untimely death. In recent times the Department has expanded into the field of Biology after the activation of degree programs in Environmental Sciences and in Biological Sciences, which in 2011 has led to the current Department of Chemistry and Biology.
The Department of Chemistry and Biology (DCB) carries out research, development and technological transfer, in the fields of Chemical Sciences and Biological Sciences. These activities involve over 100 researchers, including about 50 faculty, the remaining being Ph.D. and Post-Docs.
The main strengths are in the field of Polymers Science and Technology (with expertise in the synthesis and modellation of catalysts, the synthesis of polymers and co-polymers with tailored structures, the characterization, modelling and application of thermoplastic and elastomeric materials) and in the field of Organic Chemistry (synthesis of natural substances and of biologically active analogues, stereo- and enantio- selective synthesis, synthesis of macrocyclic compound of supramolecular interest). Other current research projects are in Computational Chemistry, in the analysis of environmental and ecologic systems, in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and in Microbiology.
The Department of Chemistry and Biology (DCB) is responsible for the planning and management of the teaching activities of the Bachelor's degree programs in Chemistry, Biological Sciences and Environmental Sciences, and the Master's degree programs in Biology (Bioinformatics and Bioscience curricula), Chemistry (Sustainable Chemistry and Biomolecular Chemistry curricula) and Environmental Sciences. It is also the promoter of the PhD program in Chemistry, Biological and Environmental Sciences.
Department of Chemistry and Biology "A. Zambelli"
University of Salerno
Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132
84084 Fisciano - Salerno