Research | Telecommunications and Statistics
Research Telecommunications and Statistics
The members of the research unit in Communication and Statistics belong to the scientific areas IINF-03/A ("Telecomunicazioni") and STAT-01/B ("Statistica per la Ricerca Sperimentale e Tecnologica"). The research unit has longstanding and recognized expertise in the fields of quantum information science (research activity in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology), decision and estimation theories, signal and data analysis, information theory, and reliability.
Research Areas
- Quantum information science
- Distributed statistical inference
- Security in communication networks
- Detection of gravitational waves
- Processing of remotely sensed data
- Models and methodologies for reliability in complex systems
Teaching activity
The teaching activity of the research unit in Communication and Statistics covers different degrees: "Corso di Laurea" and "Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica," "Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria dell'Informazione per la Medicina Digitale," and "Corso di Laurea Magistrale" in Electrical Engineering for Digital Energy.
As to the "Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica," the main methodologies for signal analysis, probability theory, and communication theory are presented in the course "Analisi dei Segnali." More specialized topics are presented in the courses 5G Networks and "Statistica Applicata." Current and recently-offered courses for "Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica" include: Remote Sensing, Data Analysis, Data Science, System Safety Engineering, Cloud Systems and Advanced Networking. As to the "Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria dell’Informazione per la Medicina Digitale," the courses offered by the research unit include: "Reti di Calcolatori" and "Elaborazione di Segnali e Dati Biomedici." As to the "Corso di Laurea Magistrale" in Electrical Engineering for Digital Energy, the courses offered by the research unit include: Communication Networks, Artificial Intelligence, and Health Data Analytics.
The courses are mainly designed according to a "theory for practice" approach: students are encouraged to implement the design solutions arising from the theoretical analysis, also employing the instrumentation available in the TETI Lab.
- TETI Lab (Communication and Information Theory Lab)
MARANO Stefano | Area Representative | ||
ADDESSO PAOLO | Member | ||
DI MAURO MARIA | Member | ||
MATTA Vincenzo | Member | ||
POSTIGLIONE Fabio | Member | ||
RESTAINO Rocco | Member | ||