Teaching | Tutoring
Teaching Tutoring
The tutoring program is designed as a support tool for students in their individual study efforts, aiming to assist them in overcoming difficulties encountered while solving exercises. The tutors’ interventions focus on targeted and, when possible, personalized clarifications, adapting to the specific needs of each student. In this context, exercises and activities already covered during lectures are revisited, with the goal of encouraging students to develop greater awareness of their preparation level.
Special attention is given to midterm and final exams through targeted activities, which include exercises similar to those completed in class and structured for independent practice. Tutors also provide individual support during exercise sessions, offering specific assistance to help students overcome challenges.
Tutoring Classes
For the degree programs in Computer Engineering and Information Engineering for Digital Medicine, tutoring is provided for the following courses:
First Year – First Semester
- Mathematical Analysis I
- Chemistry
- Physics I
- Fundamentals of Programming
First Year – Second Semester
- Mathematical Analysis II
- Mathematical Analysis II and Linear Algebra
- Geometry, Algebra, and Logic
- Elements of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine
- Computer Systems
- Physics II
- General Physics
- Geometry, Algebra, and Logic
Second Year – First Semester
- Algorithms and Data Structures
- Signal Analysis
- Electrotechnics
- Biomedical Circuits
- Computer Systems
- Fundamentals of Clinical Pharmacology and Surgery
Second Year – Second Semester
- Automatic Controls
- Digital Electronics
- Computer Networks
- Operating Systems
- Systems Theory
- Biomedical Signal and Data Processing
- Biomedical Devices and Sensors
Students have access to a repository containing a set of exercises to support individual study. These exercises are intended as guidance and provide a practical foundation to explore the covered topics further. The repository includes a greater number of exercises than those addressed during tutoring sessions.
Students who encounter difficulties with specific exercises can contact the tutors, who will be available to provide clarifications during designated hours. The exercise repository is accessible via the following link using the institutional email only.
For additional information, students may contact the tutoring committee at: commissione-tutorato-diem-list@unisa.it.
Tutoring for the first semester of the academic year 2024/25 will begin on Monday, September 30, 2024.
For students included in the tutoring classes, the weekly schedule is provided below (Tutoring Schedule). Tutors are also available for students not enrolled in tutoring classes to address questions or provide clarifications regarding the exercises published on this site, according to the schedule below (Office Hours).