Research | The New Intelligence of Made in Italy
Research The New Intelligence of Made in Italy
The Project
The New Intelligence of Made in Italy revolves around three key pillars: craftsmanship, artificial intelligence, and social and ethical innovation related to the world of arts and applied arts.
The Intelligence of the Hand
This represents the ability to transform raw materials into high-quality artifacts. Thanks to the thriving design sector, Italy is home to numerous highly valued artisanal enterprises. -
Artificial Intelligence
The latest technological frontier poised to become an integral part of contemporary society. -
Social Intelligence
The ability of a project to meet criteria for environmental sustainability, inclusivity, and openness to diversity.
Objectives of the NIMI Project
The primary goal of NIMI is to return Made in Italy to the international stage, offering designers from around the world the opportunity to adopt the "intelligences" that have made it a cornerstone of Italy's production system.
By internationalizing the AFAM sector (Alta Formazione Artistica, Musicale e Coreutica), the project aims to promote the excellence of Made in Italy across applied arts, creative media, and digital arts, particularly in connection with new technologies and AI.
The NIMI partnership spans Italy’s design landscape from North to South. Across the country, the most noteworthy experiences in the three key areas will be mapped to explore the potential offered by new technologies and social policies in advancing Made in Italy. The partnership includes five entities from three different AFAM sectors and is supported by the research expertise of the University of Salerno.
Project Partners
An institute of higher education with a strong international focus, located in Florence and Rome. Since 1984, it has combined theoretical education with hands-on training, offering bilingual accredited undergraduate and graduate courses in fashion, design, visual communication, and photography. -
Istituto d’Arte Applicata e Design (IAAD), founded in 1978, provides training for innovators in the design field within an international, dynamic, and stimulating environment. Key areas include Design, Mobility, Communication, Innovation, and Trends. -
SAE Institute
Founded in Australia in 1976, SAE is present in 28 countries with 54 campuses. SAE Italia, part of AD Education and based in Milan, offers courses in Audio, Video, Game, and Music Business, granting academic diplomas and participating in the Erasmus+ program since 2023/24. -
Poliarte, the Academy of Design, Fashion, and Cinema of the Marche Region, has been based in Ancona since 1972. It offers three-year courses in design, communication, fashion, and cinema, authorized by MUR to award first-level academic diplomas. In 2022, Poliarte joined the Rainbow Group, a leader in the entertainment industry. -
The University of Salerno operates across the Fisciano (1,200,000 sqm) and Baronissi (150,000 sqm) campuses, along with a new territorial hub in Avellino. With an 80-year tradition, UNISA offers 95 study programs spanning humanities, health sciences, and exact sciences. Its core mission includes teaching quality, research innovation, advanced education, technology transfer, and fostering international collaborations. -
ABADIR is an Academy of Design and Visual Communication based at the foot of Mount Etna. Authorized by MUR to issue recognized degrees, it offers undergraduate courses, first-level master's programs, and workshops. With support from Italian and European companies and institutions, ABADIR promotes design as a transformative discipline capable of initiating change and generating value in its territory.
Project Activities and Dissemination
The initial phase will focus on activities centered around the three “intelligences.” Prototypes created by students and for local territories will serve as the narrative theme for discussions and exchanges with designers, creatives, and professionals worldwide. These contributors will help develop the prototypes, enabling Made in Italy to become "designed everywhere." This effort will be facilitated through individual mobility programs and international workshops fostering dialogue and collaboration among students from diverse cultures. These activities will take place during major events dedicated to Made in Italy, both in Italy and abroad.
Dissemination will play a critical role in establishing a virtuous cycle that activates new ambassadors, creators, and influencers. These individuals will bring this New Made in Italy paradigm to a fresh scenario, where craftsmanship engages with cutting-edge technologies through innovative teaching approaches.