Ricerca | Premi per la ricerca
Ricerca Premi per la ricerca
Best Student Paper Award (2nd place)
MARANO Stefano Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione ed Elettrica e Matematica applicata/DIEM | |
Best Student Paper Award (2nd place) Best Student Paper (2nd place) at the 12th International Conference on Information Fusion, Seattle, USA, 6-9 July, 2009 | |
ISIF (International Society of Information Fusion) - Stati Uniti | |
2009 | |
http://www.isif.org/fusion/conferences/fusion2009/fusion2009.htm |
Best Paper Award CAS 2009
LAMBERTI Patrizia Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione ed Elettrica e Matematica applicata/DIEM | |
Best Paper Award CAS 2009 best paper award, 32nd International Semiconductor Conference CAS 2009 October 12-14, Sinaia, Romania | |
IEEE CAS conference scientific committe - Romania | |
2009 |
Fonte dati IRIS-RM