Premi per la ricerca

Ricerca Premi per la ricerca

Foto di RHANDI AbdelazizRHANDI Abdelaziz
Dipartimento di Matematica/DIPMAT
DAAD grant
DAAD grant for 1 month research stay in Germany
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) - Italia
Soggiorno di ricerca presso l'Università di Tubinga
Foto di RHANDI AbdelazizRHANDI Abdelaziz
Dipartimento di Matematica/DIPMAT
Higher Education HP Technology for Teaching Award 2008
The Higher Education Technology for Teaching grant initiative supports educators developing and sharing effective educational approaches and experiences for applying mobile technology into learning environments with other professors on campus and beyond.
Hewlett-Packard - Stati Uniti
Creazione del primo Master di Computer Graphics in Marocco, Università Cadi Ayyad di Marrakech
  Fonte dati IRIS-RM