Astroparticle Physics

Research Astroparticle Physics

Astroparticle Physics lies in between Particle Physics and Astronomy, since its main subject is the study of nuclear and subnuclear physics in the Cosmos, the production mechanisms of particles in astrophysical environments and their propagation through the Universe. The Astroparticle Physics group of our Department, assiciated with the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), is mainly involved in neutrino astronomy, searches for dark matter, the study of neutrino oscillations, and muography.

  • Neutrino astronomy, dark matter, and neutrino oscillations: neutrino astronomy studies astrophysical neutrino emissions to determine the origin of cosmic rays. Large volume apparatuses are needed, extending up to a km³, to detect the feeble Cherenkov light signals induced by the charged particles produced by neutrino interactions with matter. The researchers in our Department are on the frontline of the scientific activities of the KM3NeT Collaboration, currently building the ARCA and ORCA detectors in the Mediterranean Sea. These detectors will open a new window on our Universe, pushing forward our understanding of the properties of these cosmic neutrinos. With these detectors it is also possible to search for dark matter signals in the Milky Way and in the Sun. Finally, the infinitely small can also be investigated, in search for the origins of neutrino masses and studying their rich phenomenology. The group is also active in the HyperKamiokande experiment, under constrution in Japan, also to investigate neutrino properties.
  • Muography: muography is an imaging technique, similar to radiology, using cosmic muons to build a projection of a volume, or even a 3D reconstruction of it: by measuring the flux of muons with adeguate detectors, it is possible to observe the inner parts of geological structures, like volcanoes or faults, to determine possible changes that may not be visible on the surface, or to investigate archaeological sites.

Responsibles: prof. Cristiano Bozza, E-Mail:, Dr. Luigi Antonio Fusco, E-Mail:


BOZZA Cristiano (E-Mail: in Charge
FUSCO Luigi Antonio (E-Mail:
POIRE' Chiara (E-Mail:

