International | Visiting Professors / Guest Researchers
International Visiting Professors / Guest Researchers
prof. Jaan Valsiner
15 September -15 December 2022
Jaan Valsiner is a cultural psychologist with a consistently developmental axiomatic base that is brought to analyses of any psychological or social phenomena. He is the founding and current editor (1995) of the Sage journal, Culture & Psychology. He is currently Professor at the Centre of Cultural Psychology at Aalborg University, Denmark. He has published and edited around 50 books, the most pertinent of which are The guided mind (Cambridge, Ma.: Harvard University Press, 1998), Culture in minds and societies (New Delhi: Sage, 2007), Invitation to Cultural Psychology (London: Sage, 2014) and Ornamented lives (Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2018). He has been awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Prize of 1995 in Germany, and the Hans-Kilian-Preis of 2017, for his interdisciplinary work on human development, the Senior Fulbright Lecturing Award in Brazil 1995-1997, and the APA Outstanding International Psychologist Award of 2020. He has been a visiting professor in Brazil, Japan, Australia, Estonia. Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. In November 2017 he was elected to be an International Member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:

prof. Maria Virginia Machado Dazzani
14 December 2021 - 14 December 2022
Maria Virginia Machado Dazzani is associate professor at the Institute of Psychology of the Federal University of Bahia. Bachelor's in Psychology (Universidade Federal da Bahia, 1994), master's in Education (Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2000), PhD in Education (Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2004), both with CAPES scholarship. She carried out a research internship (CAPES) from 2002-2003 at Purdue University (Indiana, United States), a postdoctoral internship at Clark University, United States (CAPES / 2009-2010 and CNPq / 2015-2016,), under the supervision of Professor. Dr. Jaan Valsiner and Michael Bamberg, respectively. She is professor in the Programas de Pós-graduação em Psicologia e Educação, both from the Federal University of Bahia, and coordinator of the research group entitled Investigations in Cultural Psychology: Culture, Language, Transitions and Developmental Trajectories (CULTS / UFBA). She is a member of the Center for Studies on Development and Cultural Contexts / CNPq of which she is the leader. She is a member of the School and Educational Psychology WG (ANPEPP) and currently a member of the Springer (New York) Scientific Committee on the Book Series on Cultural Psychology of Education. She has experience in the area of School and Educational Psychology, acting on the following subjects: family-school-community relationship, psychosocial and educational dynamics in contexts of poverty, school complaints, knowledge and learning. Her research experience lies at the interface between Semiotic-Cultural Developmental Psychology and Education. She is interested in the study of development in cultural contexts.

From 18 to 22 April 2022
prof. Eliseo Andreu, University of Alicante (Spain)
Professor of the Department of Evolutionary and Didactic Psychology, of the Faculty of Education, at the University of Alicante (From 2018- to date). Currently, he teaches the subjects: "Development and Motor Learning" and "Psychology Applied to Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. He has taught at the different levels of the Spanish Educational System: Preschool, Primary (Career Official-Physical Education Teacher in the period 1996-2012), Secondary (1995-1996), University (from 2003 to 2018 as Associate Professor), E. de Adultos (1993-1996) and Hospital Pedagogical Units (2012-2018), for which it has a wide and privileged vision of the educational world of Spain. He is a technical advisor on motor skills and an expert in children's games, producing technical reports and recreational events for different companies and institutions. He has been Expert Evaluator of the Erasmus + Program (2014-2020), Sport Not for Profit European Sport Events and Collaborative Partnerships, by delegation of the European Commission. He has also been an Erasmus+ Expert Evaluator at the Spanish National Agency (2014-2015).

Pilar Antonieta Valenzuela Ramírez
27 August 2022 - 26 August, 2023
Psychologist, Master in Education (Universidad de Santiago de Chile) and Doctor © in Developmental Sciences and Psychopathology (Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile). My professional practice has been in the field of inclusion and diversity in education, as well as in curricular management and teaching-learning processes. In these areas I have worked as an undergraduate and postgraduate teacher. My doctoral thesis in progress deals with processes of inclusion in higher education and is approached from a historical-cultural understanding of human development.

Ana Luiza de França Sá
03 September 2022 – 27 November 27 2022
I am a pedagogue and have a master degree in education both from University of Brasilia- UnB, Brazil. Nowadays I take a PhD in psychology at Federal University of Bahia- UFBA, Brazil with research interests on human development, educational innovation, teacher training with the gaze of subjectivity from a cultural-historical approach and cultural psychology. I am also interested in history and epistemology of science, specially, psychology, and decolonial theory. Currently I work as a teacher in teacher’s training courses at Federal Institute of Brasilia- IFB, Brazil.

Bianca Viana Monteiro da Silva
1 November 2022 to 30April 2023
Graduated in Art Education with a degree in Music – with an honorable mention award for outstanding grades – at University of São Paulo (FFCLRP-USP, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, 2016); Master degree in Music at School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo (ECA-USP, São Paulo, Brazil, 2020); PhD student in Education at Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (FFCLRP-USP, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, in progress). Currently a key teacher and coordinator at the Project PianoForte, and art teacher at public schools in Ribeirão Preto-SP (Brazil). Has experience in areas of education and arts, with emphasis on music and the Historical-Cultural perspective, acting mainly on the following themes: learning processes; human development; music; historical-cultural psychology; Group Piano; collective teaching of musical instruments.

prof. Vladimer Lado Gamsakhurdia
3 ottobre - 31 dicembre 2024
Vladimer Lado Gamsakhurdia is a professor and head of the PhD program of cultural personology and psychological anthropology at Tbilisi State University (republic of Georgia).
Besides, He is an associated editor of Springer`s journal Trends in Psychology and Integrative Psychological and Behavioural Sciences. He is interested in the cultural psychology of semiotic dynamics and dialogical identity construction through intercultural phenomenological experiences. Lado Gamsakurdia’s main interests are associated with the development of the concept of Proculturation. He has published books with Routledge on “Semiotic construction of the self in multicultural societies” (2020) and with Springer on “Theory of proculturation” (2022). Lado Gamsakhurdia has served as a research fellow or a visiting professor/scholar all over the world including at the universities of Uppsala, Chicago, Aalborg, Luxembourg, Sevilla, Salvador de Bahia, Basque Country, Jacobs at Bremen, and the Free University of Berlin.