Scuola Interateneo di Specializzazione in beni archeologici UniSa e UniOr | The School
Scuola Interateneo di Specializzazione in beni archeologici UniSa e UniOr The School
Presentation of the Inter-university School of Specialisation in Archaeological Heritage (University of Salerno – University L'Orientale of Naples) – Or.SA
The Inter-university School of Specialisation in Archaeological Heritage "Between East and West", established at the University of Salerno and at the University of Naples "L'Orientale", aims at training archaeologists who can gain access to public administrations, in the role of archaeological officers of MiBACT or work as freelancers. To this end, the School combines the teaching of methods and strategies for the research, protection, and valorisation of cultural heritage with practical activities aimed at the acquisition of more strictly technical and professional skills. Workshops focussed on preventive archaeology, the production and classification of materials, drawing and surveying, GIS (Geographic Information System), together with specialised seminars, internships, trips, and above all excavation activities, will be part of the training.
The course of study is divided into four curricula:
- Prehistoric and proto-historic archaeology;
- Classical archaeology;
- Late antique and medieval archaeology;
- Oriental archaeology.
The new Inter-university School will not only offer the possibility of opening up one’s cultural perspectives and knowledge to the East with the numerous specialists present at the University of Naples L'Orientale, but will also strengthen and make traditional face-to-face teaching more dynamic, integrating it with new teaching modalities, which in many cases will involve team-taught modules and the use of specialised laboratories. Since 2020, the School has been working on an insula of Poseidonia-Paestum with a project aimed at training students that promises to be of great interest for the study of town planning and domestic construction from the Greek and Lucanian phase to the Roman phase of the city. Students will follow the entire path that from data acquisition moves on towards the valorisation and communication of the finds, with the possibility of reconstructing a stratigraphic cross-section of the city through geophysical surveys, excavation, study of wall structures, materials, fauna, and palaeobotanical finds. In addition to the School's main excavation project in Poseidonia–Paestum, students can participate in other excavation projects that the School's lecturers run in Italy and abroad (Festòs-Creta).
The possibility of internships at Archaeological Parks and government archaeological agencies or on the archaeological excavations of the two universities, both in Italy and abroad, and the related activities (ceramic and archaeobotanical laboratories, zooarchaeology and physical anthropology) will complete the training of students in the fields of research, protection, management, and promotion of cultural heritage. With its administrative offices at the University of Salerno, the School’s classes take place in the modern and functional Salerno University Campus and at the historical Palazzo Corigliano in the heart of Naples.
Access to the Postgraduate Course in Archaeological Heritage is by means of an open competition based on qualifications and examinations.
The notice of competition specifies the number of places available, which may not exceed 30, as well as the requirements and procedures for admission, the content and methods of the tests, and the criteria for assessing qualifications and for the composition of the selection board.
The notice of competition also indicates any different procedure for Italians and foreigners.
Admission to the competition is open to university graduates (300 CFU) holding a Master's degree in Archaeology, class LM 2 ex D.M. 270/04 (or corresponding class 2/S ex D.M. 509/99) or those who have obtained, between a degree and a Master's/specialist degree, a minimum of 90 CFUs in the disciplinary sectors of the appropriate field. Graduates holding degrees from the old system that are equivalent, in accordance with current legislation, to those from the new system indicated as a requirement for admission are also admitted to the competition. The competition is also open to graduates in possession of a degree obtained at a foreign university and recognised by the School, for the sole purposes of enrolment, as equivalent to the Master's degree (or Specialist degree) in Archaeology.
The tests consist of a first written (or oral) test as indicated in the notice, on graphic and photographic reproductions or on original archaeological materials related to the chosen curriculum. A second test, an interview, is about archaeological issues relevant to the chosen curriculum. The candidate must also demonstrate knowledge of ancient languages relevant to the chosen curriculum and at least 2 modern foreign languages of their choice that are relevant to the studies in the sector.
The following are assessable qualifications: the degree mark; the mark obtained in the examinations pertaining to the scientific-disciplinary sectors included in the School's regulations: L-ANT/01, L-ANT/02, L-ANT/03, L-ANT/04, L-ANT/06, L-ANT/07- L-ANT/08, L-ANT/09, L- ANT/10, L-FIL-LET/01, L-OR/01, L-OR/02, L-OR/05, L-OR/06, L-OR/11, L-OR/16, L-OR/20, ICAR/06, ICAR/15, L-ART/04, CHIM/12, GEO/01, GEO/02, ICAR/19, SECS-P/08, SECS-P/10, SPS/08, IUS/09, IUS/10, BIO/08; the dissertation in disciplines relevant to the specialisation; scientific publications relevant to the specialisation; any postgraduate qualifications relevant to the specialisation.
After the publication of the list of those who have acquired the right to admission on the school's website (, they can enrol on the School of Specialisation by submitting the required documentation within the deadline prescribed in the notice of competition, under penalty of forfeiture.
Enrolment is completed by paying the first instalment of fees by the due date or, where permitted, by presenting the document proving exemption, even temporary, from contributions.
Enrolment on years following the first is effected by passing an annual examination.