
Ricerca Progetti


Le ricerche nel 2013 sono finalizzate a mettere in luce peculiarità locali e prospettive globali di un discorso che ha avuto un impatto culturale al di là dei confini della disciplina. Oltre a una serie di lavori su momenti della storiografia, il progetto che presenta aspetti innovativi si concentra attorno agli assi della ricerca storico-religiosa in Europa movendo dallo studio dei carteggi, intercorsi tra i protagonisti di tale ricerca. A tale fine si è formato un gruppo di ricerca da me coordinato che si riunirà a Erfurt in agosto nel quadro del congresso della IAHR per discutere pubblicazioni apparse o in corso di pubblicazione. Estrapoliamo dal programma online i tratti salienti del progetto. Quaerendum est in litteris quod non est in actis. Issues of Religious Historiography in Scholarly Correspondences. Panel at the XXI IAHR World Congress, Erfurt 2015.Correspondences as a literary genre have proven to be an important key to reading religious historiography, both in order to obtain access to the Lebenssitz of scholars and to put concepts, debates, developments in their respective contexts. Hence, the religious-historical methodology cannot afford to neglect such a literary genre, given its character as 'etic' representation approaching the research object with an immediacy and originality that only personal communications can have; a freshness enriching scientific narration at all its levels with new and sometimes unexpected points of view. This panel intends to present recent publications dealing with significant exchanges of letters in the European area.Weinreich – Nilsson (G. Casadio, M. Dürkop)For at least forty years, the review “Archiv für Religionswissenschaft” was a reference point for German and international history of religions… M. Dürkop, Das Archiv für Religionswissenschaft in den J. 1919 bis 1939. Dargestellt auf der Grundlage des Briefwechsels zwischen O. Weinreich und M. P. Nilsson, Münster 2013.Pettazzoni – Rose (P. Antes)D. Accorinti's volume presents the edition of the correspondence between the second IAHR president (1950-1959) and an eminent British-Canadian scholar… D. Accorinti (ed.), R. Pettazzoni and H. J. Rose, Correspondence 1927-1958, Brill, 2014.Loisy – Cumont (J.-M. Roessli)The correspondence between Loisy and Cumont expands for more than 30 years and comprehends over 400 letters… C. Bonnet, A. Lannoy, D. Praet (eds.), La correspondance bilatérale entre Alfred Loisy et Franz Cumont.Frobenius – W. F. Otto (A. Stavru)This paper will deal with scientific and personal issues surfacing from the correspondence between the ethnologist L. Frobenius and the philologist W. F. Otto…Pettazzoni – Widengren (C. O. Tommasi)The proposed paper sets the basis for the publication of the letters between Pettazzoni and Widengren. Although fewer in number if compared to other epistolaries of Pettazzoni, these letters represents, an interesting document to reconstruct Pettazzoni's scholarly legacy…Eliade-Jung (G. Sorge)Starting from their encounter at the Eranos meeting, Eliade and Jung developed a mutual interest for each other’s field of research. This is witnessed in their correspondence, alongside with Eliade’s attempt to promote the diffusion of Jungian ideas in French...Bianchi – Culianu (D. Dumbrava)The primary aim of this paper is to present the correspondence between U. Bianchi, a leading Italian historian of religions who was IAHR President, and his Romanian disciple I.P. Culianu …Kerényi – Buber (R. Nanini)Although being Religionswissenschaftler with quite different interests and temperaments, the Hungarian transplanted in Switzerland K. Kerényi and M. Buber, the German Jew soon moved to Jerusalem, esteem and frequent each other, as their correspondenc shows…Il mio ruolo inoltre nei comitati internazionali sia della EASR sia della IAHR come delegato della Società italiana comporta la mia presenza in loco per una intera settimana con i costi di viaggio, vitto e alloggio inerenti.

StrutturaDipartimento di Studi Umanistici/DIPSUM
Tipo di finanziamentoFondi dell'ateneo
FinanziatoriUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Importo1.700,00 euro
Periodo28 Luglio 2015 - 28 Luglio 2017
Gruppo di RicercaCASADIO Giovanni (Coordinatore Progetto)
DE LUNA Piera (Ricercatore)
TEPEDINO Adele (Ricercatore)