Courses of Study | POT9 GPS.UNI
Courses of Study POT9 GPS.UNI
Political-sociological geolocation for orientation in the university world. From school to university: knowing how to choose in order to know how to experience
The project POT group 9 GPS.UNI Geolocalization politico-sociologica per orientarsi nel mondo universitario - in which 11 other Italian universities are participating for the two degree classes L-36 and L-40 - aims, on the one hand, to strengthen orientation initiatives aimed at School students in order to provide them with the coordinates for making an informed choice of university course of study; on the other hand, to offer students the support of tutors to reduce the risk of dropping out and deal with the critical issues that emerge during their university career. The transversal activities, carried out in the university premises and with the aid of technologies and digital platforms, will allow the identification of best practices to be shared among the network partners for the dissemination of the professions linked to the figures of the political scientist and the sociologist, fostering the development of virtuous dynamics of encounter between the University, the School and the Territory.
15 aprile 2019
Università, scuola, territorio. La rete delle opportunità per orientarsi e crescere
14 maggio 2019
Percorsi di orientamento e programmi di alternanza scuola-lavoro tra Scuola/Università/Enti territoriali. Sfide e opportunità per lo scienziato politico e il sociologo nel territorio campano
4-6 settembre 2019
Formarsi per crescere e far crescere. Corso di formazione per studenti tutor