| Modello NDEA Relazionale per Misurare la Performance Economica di.un Processo di Produzione con Quattro Stadi e con Tecnologia di Produzione a Rete con Output Indesiderabili 3_241- Claudio Pinto | |
| The relationship between employment and mental health problems in Italy: evidence from EHIS2 microdata 3_240 - Adriana Barone, Cristian Barra | |
| Active and passive labour-market policies: the outlook from the Beveridge curve 3_239 - Sergio Destefanis, Matteo Fragetta, Nazzareno Ruggiero | |
| Regional multipliers across the Italian regions 3.238 - Sergio Destefanis, Mario Di Serio, Matteo Fragetta | |
| Electoral Reform and Public Sector Efficiency. Some Evidence From Italian Municipalities 3.237 - Marco Alberto De Benedetto, Sergio Destefanis, Luigi Guadalupi | |
| On the longshot bias in tennis betting markets: the CaSco normalization 3.236 - Vincenzo Candila, Antonio Scognamillo | |
| I Distretti industriali italiani. Un'analisi comparativa 3.235 - Giuseppe Giordano, Patrizia Pastore, Ilaria Primerano, Silvia Tommaso | |
| A dynamic component model for forecasting high-dimensional realized covariance matrices 3.234 - Giuseppe Storti, Manuela Braione, Luc Bauwens | |
| Bad loans and de novo banks: evidence from Italy 3.233 - Rachele Anna Ambrosio, Paolo Coccorese | |
| Bias-corrected inference for multivariate nonparametric regression: model selection and oracle property 3.232 - Francesco Giordano, Maria Lucia Parrella | |
| GRID for model structure discovering in high dimensional regression 3.231 - Francesco Giordano, Soumendra Nath Lahiri, Maria Lucia Parrella | |
| A General Coalition Structure: Some Equivalence Results 3.230 - Giovanna Bimonte | |
| New insights on the relationships between geographic and institutional distance in research collaborations: a long period analysis 3.229 - Rosamaria D’Amore, Roberto Iorio | |
| A Comparison of the forecasting performances of multivariate volatility models 3.228 - Vincenzo Candila | |
| Nudging e Salute: un binomio possibile? 3.227 - Gianluigi Coppola, Margherita Coppola | |
| Third party punishment and criminal: an experiment with Italian camorra prison inmates 3.226 - Annamaria Nese, Arturo Palomba, Patrizia Sbriglia, Maurizio Scudiero | |
| Asymmetry in the permanent price impact of block purchases and sales: theory and empirical evidence 3.225 - Alex Frino, Vito Mollica, Maria Grazia Romano | |
| Optimal compensation contracts for optimistic managers 3.224 - Giovanni Immordino, Anna Maria C. Menichini, Maria Grazia Romano | |
| Cooperative Credit Banks: some fundamental institutional features 3.223 - Annamaria Nese, Roberta Troisi | |
| How do the institutions involved in scientific collaboration deal with different kinds of distance? An analysis of the co-authorship of scientific publications 3.222 - Rosamaria D'Amore, Roberto Iorio, Sandrine LABORY, Agnieszka Stawinoga | |
| Who and where are the co-authors? The relationship between institutional and geographical distance in scientific publications 3.221 - Rosamaria D'Amore, Roberto Iorio, Agnieszka Stawinoga | |
| La valutazione economica dei parchi marini. Il caso di "Punta Infreschi" 3.220 - Annunziata Vita | |
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