Knowledge Management and Information Systems



GAETA MatteoResponsabile Scientifico
Tommasiello StefaniaCollaboratore
D'Aniello GiuseppeCollaboratore
CAPUANO NicolaTecnico di Laboratorio

The Knowledge Management and Information Systems (KnowMIS) Lab is home to many prestigious and consolidated international collaborations, both academic and industrial, and of scientific and industrial activities of different research groups, with a variable-geometry set-up, consisting of personnel and collaborators from the University of Salerno, other Universities and National and International Research Centers and Industries.

It is characterized by a significant opening to host young researchers, scholars, Ph.D. students, undergraduates and graduating students in multidisciplinary fields (Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Engineering, Economy and Management, etc.). The Lab mainly operates in the field of Knowledge Management and Information Systems, as well as in the Artificial Intelligence, Situation Awareness and Learning, with a specific attention to the new ICT methodologies and technologies.

Main Permanent International Scientific Collaborations:

  • IBM Almaden Services Research (USA) – research group of Dr. James C. Spohrer

  • University of Alberta (Canada) – research group of prof. Marek Z. Reformat

  • University of Kaohsiung (Taiwan) – research group of prof. Tzung-Pei Hong

    Main Permanent National Scientific Collaborations:

  • University of Roma Tre – research group of prof. Alessandro Micarelli

  • Research Consortium on Agent Systems (CORISA) - research group of prof. Massimo de Falco

  • Research Center SIMAS – research group of prof. Francesco Polese

    Main Industrial Collaborations:

  • Engineering S.p.A. (project SIEGE - Software Innovation for E-Government Expansion)

  • Poste Italiane S.p.A. (project FIBAC - Fruizione Innovativa di Beni Artistici e Culturali)

  • QuiGroup S.p.A. (project TITAN – e-Money System and Multi-Channel Added Value Services)

Two research groups operate permanently at the KnowMIS Lab:

  • The Research Group KnowMIS-SA (scientific direction by Dr. Eng. Giuseppe D’Aniello) carries out research activities regarding the study and definition of approaches, models, and methods supporting the Situation Awareness, with a multidisciplinary approach which integrates methodologies and techniques of Artificial Intelligence, Computational Intelligence, Cognitive Sciences and Human Factors. The aim is to support the analysis, the modeling, and the control of complex human-centric cyber-social-physical systems in the context of strategic and tactical goals. The research activity concerns also the models and the approaches for the cognitive and computational modeling of situations; data acquisition and processing approaches for data gathered by sensor networks or from other information sources; models, techniques, and approaches for supporting situation comprehension and reasoning; techniques for situation analysis and visualization. Specifically, the research group KnowMIS-SA is currently active on the definition of original frameworks and approaches based on the Granular Computing paradigm for the analysis and the elaboration of big amount of data coming from heterogeneous data sources, with the aim of effectively support the Cognitive Situation Management (e.g., situation awareness, situation prediction and reasoning, decision making). Such approaches can be widely applied in different domains characterized by critical decision-making processes and highly dynamical environments (e.g., Smart City, Logistics, Safety&Security, Enterprise).
  • The Research Group KnowMIS-DSS (scientific direction prof. Matteo Gaeta) carries on research activities regarding the definition of approaches and techniques of decision making and the definition of hybrid Decision Support Systems, using Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management techniques for the development, the integration and the exploitation of heterogeneous data sources and for the identification of novel methods and techniques for decision-making support. The research activity concerns both the study and the analysis of the mechanisms and processes that underlay the human decisions, and the definition and experimentation of approaches and techniques which, by leveraging on such mechanisms, can effectively support decision makers. Specifically, the research activity concerns, among the others, approaches and techniques to support group decision making by means of typical models of computational intelligence (e.g., Fuzzy Logic); techniques for the analysis of the collective perception; approaches and techniques of business intelligence integrating methods and models of data mining, knowledge management and decision making.