Mass Spectrometry laboratories



CASAPULLO AgostinoResponsabile Scientifico
MONTORO PaolaResponsabile Scientifico
NAPOLITANO AssuntaResponsabile Tecnico


Instrumentations of the Mass Spectrometry Laboratories are available to DIFARMA researchers in order to support research and teaching support activities.

In particular, depending on the type of instrument, low- and high-resolution qualitative analyses are conducted for routine screening in the area of structural characterization of organic molecules of natural and/or synthetic origin, and qualitative-quantitative studies of complex mixtures of primary and secondary metabolites through proteomics and metabolomics approaches in the field of drug & target discovery, and food.

In addition, the Laboratory supports the various teaching activities addressed to students afferent to the various research laboratories of DIFARMA during their pre-graduate and post-graduate course (fellows and doctoral students) and the theoretical-practical training activities promoted by external bodies (Ex: HR-MS School- Italian Chemical Society-Mass Spectrometry Division) addressed to personnel working in the field of Mass Spectrometry.


LTQ-Orbitrap XL LC-MS System (Thermo Fisher Scientific)

Equipped with an UltiMate 3000 analytical UHPLC chromatograph interfaced with an ESI ion source mass spectrometer and Linear-Orbitrap hybrid trap analyzer. Data management and processing software: Xcalibur

The instrument is used to perform low resolution measurements for molecular mass determination and high resolution for molecular formula assignment. It also allows experiments to be performed in TANDEM mode for fragmentation studies of organic molecules, pure or present in complex mixtures for qualitative-quantitative metabolomics analysis.

Q Exactive LC-MS System (Thermo Fisher Scientific)

Equipped with UltiMate 3000 analytical UHPLC chromatograph, UltiMate 3000 RSLC nano chromatograph, interfaced with H-ESI II and nano-EASY-Spray source, respectively, and quadrupole-Orbitrap hybrid analyzer. Data management and processing software: Xcalibur and FreeStyle.

The instrument is mainly used to perform high-resolution qualitative-quantitative analysis of complex mixtures from biological, plant and food matrices in metabolomic and proteomic fields in conventional and TANDEM modes.

QTRAP 6500 LC-MS System (AB SCIEX)

Equipped with a NEXERA X2 analytical UHPLC chromatograph interfaced with ESI ion source and hybrid quadrupole-Linear Trap analyzer. Data management and processing software: Analyst and MultiQuant.

The instrument is mainly used for quantitative analysis of complex mixtures from biological, plant and food matrices in metabolomic and proteomic fields in conventional and TANDEM modes.

LC-MS QDa System (Waters)

Equipped with an analytical UPLC ACQUITY I-Class chromatograph interfaced with an ESI ion source and a PDA and QDA detection system in series. Data management and processing software: MassLynx.

The instrument is mainly used for routine controls in organic synthesis and fine-tuning of mixture analysis.

Mass Spectrometry Committee

prof. Agostino Casapullo - President

prof. Carlo Crescenzi - Member

dr. Giuliana Donadio - Member

prof. Paola Montoro - Treasurer

dr. Assunta Napolitano - Secretary

prof. Annalisa Piccinelli - Member

prof. Eduardo Sommella - Member

Price list

Available at the following link:



Foto Strumentazione Spettrometria di Massa