Board of Directors | Assignments
Board of Directors Assignments
The Board of Directors promotes and coordinates research activities of the University.
The President, elected among the members, is appointed with a decree by the Rector.
The Board of Directors:
- gives a binding opinion on:
- the establishment of new departments and the modification of existing ones;
- the establishment of the Interdepartmental centers;
- the Strategic Plan and Annual Work Plan;
- the draft budget;
- the General Regulations of the University;
- the allocation of technical staff in the scientific facilities.
- presents proposals on:
- the criteria for the definition of needs and its allocation of human, financial and material resources among scientific facilities;
- the criteria for the promotion and implementation of national and international programs of cooperation and exchange, in scientific fields;
- coordination, organization and the evaluation criteria of research; the criteria for the distribution among the Departments of funds for research grants.
- decides on:
- the general criteria for the allocation of University Basic Research Funding (ex 60% FARB) assigned to the Scientific Committees of the University of art. 29;
- the general criteria for the evaluation of research projects by the Scientific Committees of the University of art. 29;
- approves the implementation criteria for the evaluation of FARB research projects developed by Scientific Committees of the University and endorse the subsequent allocation;
- approves the internal evaluation report of research and productivity verification;
- prepares the University annual report on research activities.