
Rector Assignments

The Rector represents the University and supervises all its activities, exercising functions of initiative, coordination, and implementation.

The Rector is the legal representative of the University and performs functions of direction, initiative, and coordination of scientific and teaching activities. The Rector is responsible for pursuing the institutional aims of the University according to quality criteria and in compliance with the principles of effectiveness, efficiency, transparency, and promotion of merit.

In particular, the Rector:

  • convenes and chairs the Academic Senate and the Board of Directors, coordinating their activities;
  • initiates disciplinary proceedings against teaching staff falling within the remit of the Disciplinary Board; initiates proceedings in the event of breach of the Code of Ethics and proposes sanctions to the Academic Senate, if the matter does not fall within the remit of the Disciplinary Board
  • supervises the proper conduct of research and teaching, as well as the efficiency of services and the correctness of administrative action;
  • issues the University Statute and Regulations and the internal regulations of each structure;
  • proposes to the Board of Directors the three-year strategic planning document of the University, the annual and three-year budget, the final balance sheet and any other planning act required by the regulations in force, taking into account the proposals and the opinion of the Academic Senate;
  • proposes the appointment of the General Manager to the Board of Directors;
  • concludes contracts and agreements for which the University Statute and the regulations do not establish a different competence;
  • submits the periodic reports required by law to the competent Minister;
  • adopts, in the event of necessity and urgency, the measures falling within the competence of the Academic Senate and the Board of Directors, submitting them for ratification at the immediately following meeting;
  • exercises any other function not expressly assigned to other bodies by the University Statute.

In exercising his functions, the Rector shall be assisted by a Vice Rector and by Delegates, chosen by him from within the University and appointed by his own decree in which the tasks and areas of competence are specified.

The Delegates are directly answerable to the Rector for their actions.

On matters pertaining to their areas of responsibility, the Delegates, at the Rector's proposal, may be a member of the investigative committees of the University bodies and may be invited to the meetings of the Academic Senate and the Board of Directors.

The Deputy Vice-Rector, appointed from among the full-time tenured professors, deputises for the Rector in all his functions in the event of his impediment or absence, as well as in any case of early termination of the office, until the new elected person takes office.

The Deputy Vice-Rector may be assigned an office allowance in the amount determined by the Board of Directors.