Gender Quality Plan | Letter of Presentation
Gender Quality Plan Letter of Presentation
Gender Equality Plan (Horizion 2020 – R&I PEERS)
The University of Salerno is the coordinating beneficiary of the European Project R&I PEERS (Grant Agreement n. 788171) Piloting experiences for improving gender equality in research organisations, financed by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 (Call: Science with and for Society, H2020-SwafS-2017-1) and started in May 2018.
Besides the University of Salerno (from now on UNISA), supported by the Interdepartmental Centre for Gender Studies (from now on OGEPO), the Project involves the following 9 International Bodies and Research Institutes: Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute (Cyprus), National Research Council-CNR (Italy), Confidustria Salerno (Italy), Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Nanociencias (Spain), MIGAL Galilee Research Institute LTD (Israel), Digital Leadership Institute (Belgium), ZRC SAZU Institute of Culture and Memory Studies (Slovenia), National Agency for Scientific Research Promotion (Tunisia) and General Secretariat For Family Policy and Gender Equality (Greece).
The R&I PEERS main objective is the creation and implementation of 7 Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) in the R&I related organisations of the Mediterranean area (including our university) [1], with the aim of ensuring, through a series of targeted actions defined in each GEP, a full participation of men and women both in the scientific research and in the organisational life of the research bodies involved in the Project. Each Gender Equality Plan has been formally adopted by the highest bodies of each research organisation. UNISA’s GEP, outlined with the aim of guaranteeing equal opportunities for the enhancement of the well-being of our Community, after being approved by the OGEPO and the CUG in their respective Councils, both held on 29 October 2018, was officially approved by the Academic Senate and the Board of Directors on 6 and 7 March 2019.
The R&I PEERS project and the University of Salerno
For what concerns UNISA, the only public University of the entire R&I PEERS Consortium, the realisation of this Project marks the outcome of a set of gender-related initiatives that, for years, our university has been carrying on.
Gathering the experience gained by UNISA through the commitment of the OGEPO (since 2011) and the CUG (since 2014), the GEP, in line with the Guidelines for Positive Actions of the MIUR (2018), aims at integrating teaching and research in the perspective of Genders studies and Gender equality. Therefore, it is not a project meant exclusively for female researchers but a project for both female and male researchers to ensure equal opportunities, improve people’s wellbeing and make the University of Salerno a model of best practices on the national and European level. Equal opportunities are not merely intended from a gender perspective but include diversity in its multiple implications.
UNISA’s Gender Equality Plan
The GEP provides a set of strategic actions whose actual implementation, within a specific time frame (2019-2022), will be progressively monitored by indicators and will be subjected to external evaluation by the members of the International Advisory Board, appointed by the European Commission. It includes 5 (five) key areas, all equally important for achieving gender equality at UNISA. The key areas of intervention are:
- gender perspective in research and curricula
This area includes 7 (seven) strategies: a) dissemination and analysis of a questionnaire for researchers and professors about the inclusion of the gender perspective in research with particular attention to STEM disciplines; b) workshops for students (Master’s Degree), PhD students and researchers on how to include the gender perspective in their research projects; c) promotion of teaching courses on Gender studies as free choice courses among students of all disciplines; d) introduction of an interdisciplinary teaching on GE in the educational offering of all UNISA PhD courses; e) fundraising activities for financing grants for research projects and post-doc projects that include a gender dimension (also with the support of funds and resources outside the University); f) guidance sessions for high school students to promote the GE, the presence of women and jobs opportunities in the STEM area; g) activation of a Master and of Postgraduate courses on GE and diversity management. - work-life balance
This area will take into considerations the work done for the 2013-15 OGEPO project of “ConciliAzioni. Interventi di sostegno ai tempi di vita e di lavoro delle donne lavoratrici” (P.O.R. CAMPANIA FSE 2007.2013 ASSE II OCCUPABILITÀ - Obiettivo f). The area is structured around 6 strategies: a) the creation of ad hoc rooms/ nurseries, as dedicated spaces for breastfeeding, milk pumping, diaper changing; b) the design and implementation of a study area for children (6-14 years) of UNISA’s students and employees; identification of suitable spaces for the creation of a playroom for children; c) strengthening the existing initiative Summer Camp for the children of UNISA employees, ensuring the canteen service and opening hours throughout the parents’ working day; d) identification of flexible working methods more congenial to the conciliation of time: such as smart-working and teleworking; e) incentives aimed at supporting young scholars with children in tow during research periods abroad; f) services to promote the employees’ well-being. - Improving the use of gender neutral language in the organisation’s documents
The following area takes into consideration the guidelines published by the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) about the correct use of gender-neutral language. It includes two main strategies: a) analysis of national legislation and screening of a selection of institutional documents and communications from a gender perspective (for the introduction of the correct use of gender neutral language); b) revision of the place-names of the two Campuses of UNISA, Fisciano and Baronissi, and renaming of streets, squares and areas after those female figures who enriched our culture, our history and our heritage. - Raising awareness of gender equality
This key area is structured around 5 (five) strategies: a) questionnaire on equal opportunities for UNISA’s personnel; b) the improvement of Gender Budgeting; c) promotion of the R&I PEERS website on UNISA’s official site, OGEPO’s website and social pages; d) strengthening and improving the existing initiatives on gender-based violence; e) involvement of students and PhD students’ associations in the main strategic actions of the project. - Reducing gender gap in decision-making bodies
The following key area includes 3 strategies: a) the analysis of annual statistical indicators of the career paths of female and male researchers at the beginning of their careers; b) awareness-raising activities on the importance of the presence of women in leadership positions, in the decision-making bodies (Academic Senate and the Board of Directors) and in evaluation committees; c) support to female candidates in decision- making-bodies of the University, also with the request of the introduction of a quota system.
[1] The 7 organisations implementing the GEP are: Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute (Cyprus), Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Nanociencias (Spain), MIGAL Galilee Research Institute LTD (Israel), ZRC SAZU Institute of Culture and Memory Studies (Slovenia), National Agency for Scientific Research Promotion (Tunisia), General Secretariat For Family Policy and Gender Equality (Greece) and the University of Salerno (Italy).