Graduation Sessions

Distance Learning Graduation Sessions

The graduation sessions scheduled from 16 March and until the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19 continues will be held remotely by using videoconferencing software.

The graduation session will take place on the scheduled day and time. Each student will receive, with appropriate advance notice, to the institutional e-mail address (@ technical information for taking part to the videoconference. The same communication will also indicate the contacts of the technical support staff.

Candidates and professors who are members of the laurea committee will be automatically included by in a team, using the platform adopted by the University which allows, in addition to videoconferencing, to share the presentation and other documents to be used during the defence of the thesis .

Two days before the date set for the session is held a test session aimed at verifying the existence of the technological conditions for carrying out the session correctly.

Students with disabilities and DSAs can use the assistance procedure already provided for in-presence modality. For more information, consult this page:
