Research | Focus on Research
Research Focus on Research

Progetto StartUPP
Modelli, sistemi e competenze per l’implementazione dell’Ufficio per il Processo
Research Project (TREE4NB)
TRAINING, REORGANIZING EVALUATING, ENABLING FOR NATURAL BIRTH (TREE4NB) - Project co-funded by the European Union, the state of Italy and the Campania region in the field of the POR Campania FESR 2014-2020.
Internationalisation and multicultural teams
Internationalisation and multicultural teams: orienting towards cultural differences - #InTeamCult
Small entrepreneurs grow up
"Small entrepreneurs grow up", born from a partnership with the Salerno Chamber of Commerce and aimed at 40 young minds, is an experiential learning path that aims to spread the so-called corporate culture.
The "Start-up Campania" project, promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Salerno and implemented by the Department of Management & Innovation Systems (DISA-MIS) of the Università degli Studi di Salerno, was substantiated in a training course aimed at young people wishing to undertake an entrepreneurial activity.
She Business - Innovation & Networking
The project aims to facilitate women entrepreneurs in the creation of a new business idea, through the training of team building and team working skills.
Change Generation
The generational change in the perspective of the continuity of the family business
Giffoni Experience
Research/consultancy project aimed at defining a value of the "Giffoni Experience" brand