General Information

Enrollment at UNISA General Information

EU-Citizens and non-EU Citizens wishing to obtain a degree or apply for recognition of their academic qualification at the Università degli Studi di Salerno may address an inquiry to the International Office (

Current rules

Information about current rules and regulations is available at the Ministry of Education website with the latest provisions. International students, just as local students, must take the compulsory non-selective or selective entry tests on the dates established in the calls, in case of courses with restricted entry.

Entry tests at the University of Salerno are of two kinds:

  • non selective (this means that after the evaluation students may enrol at the chosen degree course never mind of their position in the ranking);
  • selective (In this case there are a certain number of places available, i.e.numerus clausus. Students can get enrolled depending on their position in the ranking)

Important note: Both tests (selective and non selective) are compulsory. Students who do not take part in the Entry tests cannot be enrolled at UNISA!


.Procedures refer to:

  • EU-Citizens wherever resident
  • Non EU-Citizens resident abroad
  • Non EU-Citizens resident in Italy
  • Single Course Enrolment

Tuition Fees

Non-EU countries citizens not resident in Italy and not belonging to "Countries with low human development" (see next paragraph) are placed in the third band of contribution. However they can apply to be placed in the first band, documenting a particularly difficult family situation (for large family or for lack of one of the parents). The original documentation must be accompanied by an Italian translation certified by the relevant Representatives.

Non-EU countries citizens not resident in Italy belonging to "Countries with low human development" listed in Table 1 (see the Appendix to the “Guida al pagamento delle tasse e dei contributi universitari”) are automatically placed in the first band

Non-UE students not resident in Italy who are able to produce the ISEE Parificato, the determination of the contribution band will follow the rules contained in the paragraph "INDIVIDUAZIONE DELLA FASCIA DI CONTRIBUZIONE" of the Guida al Pagamento delle Tasse e dei Contributi Universitari Guida al pagamento delle tasse

Important note: In the event that the student has a dual citizenship, one of which is Italian, the latter prevails (Law 31 May 1995, No. 218).

Students, to whom the competent state authorities have recognized the status of stateless person or political refugee, are treated as Italian citizens.

ADISURC Scholarships

Every year the ADISURC (Azienda per il Diritto allo Studio della Regione Campania) launches a call for applications (see, for scholarships (services and money) for students attending undergraduate university courses, Master degrees and PhD courses. Deadline coincides with the enrolment period. Applicants who meet all the income and merit requirements listed in the call may be admitted. International students (EU and non-EU) can apply through the same online procedure providing the mandatory documents concerning income translated into Italian by the diplomatic authority in the country of the applicant.

EU and non EU students with a family unit residing abroad, must:

- complete and confirm the online application form,

- send to the ADISURC, under penalty of exclusion, a copy of the ISEE parificato (Equivalent ISEE), compiled by a CAF (Centro Assistenza Fiscale), by registered letter (Raccomandata AR) to be sent to: A.Di.S.U.R.C., Via A. De Gasperi, 45 - 80133 Napoli, "Scholarship Documentation a.a. 20__/20__ University of Salerno " or hand delivery at A.Di.S.U. in Fisciano, by University of Salerno.

To obtain the Equivalent ISEE it is necessary to apply to a CAF exhibiting the documentation that, for each member of the family, must report:

  • personal data
  • any income received abroad
  • real estate owned abroad. The absence of assets must be expressly specified.

This documentation must be:

-issued by the competent authorities of the country where the income was produced;

- translated into Italian by the Italian competent diplomatic authorities.