Students Opportunities

Incoming Mobility Students Opportunities

Erasmus+ student mobility for studies | Students Opportunities

Nomination and Application Form deadlines

The University of Salerno welcomes an increasing number of international students each year who wish to experience an international environment.

To be accepted, incoming students must be officially nominated by their home University using the online platform.

Nomination deadlines:

  • 1st / fall semester or full academic year students: 15th June.
  • 2nd / spring semester students:15th  November.

After receiving nominations, the International Relations Office will check whether they are acceptable in accordance with the bilateral agreement and will send an email to nominated students with instructions on how to fill in the online application form.

Application Form deadlines:

  • 1st / fall semester or full academic year students: incoming students may apply starting from 15th April to 30th June of each academic year.
  • 2nd / spring semester students: incoming students may apply starting from 15th October to 30th November of each academic year.

 It is very important for students to follow the procedure of the online application form  along with the instructions received by email after their official nomination.

Orientation Meeting

The University of Salerno aims to provide a better-quality service to all our incoming students to answer to all their questions. Thus, we organize an Orientation Day at the beginning of each term (more details will be sent by email). Information given during the session is crucial, so do not miss the opportunity to meet us!



Courses and On line Learning Agreement (OLA)

 The so- called OLA will be the only possible Learning agreement form exchanged between Partner Universities through EWP network.  

For this reason, you are asked to contact your home Erasmus Office to receive all information on how to proceed.

It is students’ responsibility to include the correct COMPONENT CODES of each subjects in their OLA.

Incoming students may take any course unit offered by the University of Salerno in any Department.

Important note: course units must be chosen among those offered in the academic year and term in which mobility takes place and they must be included in the OLA within the established deadlines (course units, component code and ECTS must match the Course Catalogue of the University of Salerno so the Learning Agreement can be validated).

To complete your OLA please visit our Course Catalogue/ Course Catalogue in English to check course units offered by the University of Salerno and their teaching guides. Do not forget to select the current academic year and term.

In case of changes of course units, the OLA can be modified at the beginning of each semester but all changes have to be approved the sending Institution and the receiving Institution. Changes can be made through EWP network.

Deadline for changes of the OLA:

  • Deadline 1st semester and full academic year: within 31st October. 
  • Deadline 2nd semester: within 31st March.

(additional info is included in the section “During your stay”)

According the new procedure implemented by the Italian Ministry of University no EU students granted with a Erasmus + scholarship need to apply for visa through an on line platform, called UNIVERSITALY (

According to the new procedure implemented by the Italian Ministry of University, non-EU students who are granted an Erasmus+ scholarship do not need to apply for a visa through the traditional method. They must apply for a visa through an online platform called UNIVERSITALY ( Students need to register first, select the Erasmus+ or other kind of study or traineeship program in the "Kind of Application" field, specify the Italian representative (Embassy/Consulate) in their country where they will apply for a visa, and fill in the online form.

The University of Salerno will only accept and validate applications from students who have completed the application procedure on the UNISA platform (Esse3). The UNIVERSITALY platform will then automatically generate a letter to be delivered by the candidates to the Italian representative abroad. The Embassy/Consulate will start the visa procedure only for candidates already accepted by the University.


Before leaving to Italy non-EU students must have:

  • A current passport (valid for the entire study period in Italy);
  • 4 ID photos;
  • A copy of a health insurance policy covering them for health and accidents for the entire period of stay in Italy. Health insurance bought abroad must be translated into Italian or English and must be validated by the Italian Embassy or Consulate of reference. Students can also buy health insurance upon their arrival in Italy (please see the "Health Insurance" section).
  • A Visa issued by the competent Embassy or Consulate.

Before leaving home, all students are required to find out about the Italian laws governing residence in Italy at the following website


Exchange students

Exchange students (Erasmus+ or other programmes) who plan to stay in Italy temporarily, for longer than three months, can stay in Italy without any formalities. All they need is a valid identity document for international travel.


Exchange students

Exchange students from outside the EU who plan to stay in Italy for more than 90 days must enrol in advance and apply for an entry visa. Find out whether you need a visa if you plan to remain for fewer than 90 days by contacting the Embassy or Consulate. Make an appointment, if required, to inquire about the procedures for obtaining an entry visa for the "Study –Exchange and Mobility Programme" by contacting the Embassy or Consulate. The visa application procedure can take several months, so you must apply well in advance by using the UNIVERSITALY platform.

If you are a non-EU student, but you fall into the following situation:

  • you are enrolled at a university in the European Union (Schengen Area) and
  • you have a residence permit for study purposes issued in a member country of the European Union (Schengen Area) which covers the entire mobility period and which is renewable in the country where it was issued and
  • you participate in a European mobility programme or you carry out a mobility under an international agreement of the University of Salerno

you must find out if you need a visa or not at the Visa Office of the Italian Embassy in the nation where you now live and study.

It is strongly recommended to ask for the issuance of an official Italian Tax Code (codice fiscale) at the Italian Embassy or Consulate in your country of residence. The “codice fiscale” (or Italian tax code) is required to carry out a wide range of activities in Italy, such as opening a bank account, signing a tenancy agreement, registering with the Italian National Health Service, and receiving payments or reimbursements from the University of Salerno (additional info is included in “During your stay” section).

All the above-mentioned documents, along with other papers detailed in the "Permit of Stay" section, will enable students to apply for a residence permit (Permesso di soggiorno), which is compulsory and must be completed within eight working days of their arrival in Italy. The fee for the permit of stay is approximately €147.00 (including revenue stamp and operating costs).

Additional details

Visit the following page to find out additional info about:

  • EU citizen
  • Non-EU citizen in Italy
  • Non-EU citizen abroad
  • Single courses
  • International Teaching
  • Academic recognition

 Practical information

 For a brief introduction to the University of Salerno and to the Campus life check out the following pages: and .(The latter includes info related to accommodation, libraries, cultural activities, sport, health care, assistance for students with special needs, transport, surroundings, and weather.

The University of Salerno organizes Italian language courses for incoming students. The courses will last 50 hours for a total of 5 credits. The credits will be awarded to the student at the end of the course if he/she attends the 70% of the lessons and if she/he passes the final test. 

An entry test will be held to check your Italian language level. To take part in the test you may apply before your arrival through the following link:

Further information on when to apply will be sent by e-mail.


Information about how to reach the University of Salerno and all the Campus facilities is in the Campus Life section.

Your Start Day

 The start date of the Erasmus period coincides with the Orientation Day which occurs at the beginning  of each term. During the meeting will be asked to register and to hand in your certificate of arrival . In case you are not able to attend the Orientation Day, upon arrival, you have to register at the International Office and get your certificate of arrival signed.

Enrolment at the International Office

Upon their arrival, incoming students have to be registered at the International Office (Fisciano Campus- Building A1, ground floor).

The International  Office is, through the orientation meetings organized, their first and permanent contact point.

During their mobility period, students are always welcome whenever they have academic, personal or practical difficulties.

Check opening hours and useful contacts here

Residence permit

No EU students with a visa for study purpose lasting the whole lenght of the mobility do not need to apply for residence permit. The residence permit is necessary when students enter Italy without a visa or with a short term visa. 

The residence permit application documents (KIT) are available at the Post Office. 

Assistance in finding accommodation

Private rented rooms

For accommodation, students can be assisted in finding suitable private rented rooms through the International Students’ Associations “AEGEE-Salerno” and “Erasmus Students Network (ESN-Salerno)”.

UNISA Halls of Residence

Incoming students may also apply for a room in the on-campus and off-campus Halls of residence.

UNISA Halls of Residence are not managed by the University of Salerno but by a regional public body called Azienda per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario della Regione Campania (ADISURC). 

A limited number of rooms are available for incoming students and accommodation cannot be guaranteed for all applicants.

Applications for paid accommodations can only be submitted by October 31st each year, for mobility in both the first and second semesters, by sending an email to

Accommodation fees range from € 215 to € 274 per month per person, including utility bills, depending on the different available options.

For detailed information and availability, please contact

More info about Residences

UNISA Catering service (select english)

Health assistance

Students with EU nationalities

Students with EU nationalities who have a European Health Insurance Card can directly access the Italian National Health Service (SSN) without paying any subscription. They may visit the local health authority office, Azienda Sanitaria Locale (ASL) Salerno 2 - Distretto Sanitario 66, located in Salerno at Via Vernieri 14, to choose a general practitioner.

Non-EU students need to be covered by health insurance to study in Italy. You can enroll in the Italian National Health Service at the cost of 700 euros/calendar year - valid from January until December regardless of the month you pay.

Required documents:

  • European Health Insurance Card or other documents that prove that students have health coverage in Italy.
  • Copy of ID-card or passport.
  • Italian tax code (Codice Fiscale). Students who have not received thier fiscal codes from the Italian Embassy in their country of residence, may obtain their personal Codice Fiscale at the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia dell'Entrate) located in Via degli Uffici Finanziari, 7, 84131, Salerno.

Also, students may go to the general health centre located at Fisciano Campus for first aid care. This service is free of charge for all incoming students.

The Basic Psychology Service (SPdB), set up in agreement with the Salerno Local Health Authority and dedicated to all students at the University, is now active.

The Service offers the opportunity to take advantage - free of charge - of basic psychological support (eight meetings) with one of the dedicated psychologists. For additional information visit the following page

Departmental Coordinators for international mobility

After registering with the International Office, incoming students are strongly advised to contact their departmental coordinator for international mobility for any academic issues. A list of coordinators can be found in the "documentation" section at the bottom of the page.        


Exams can be taken at the end of each course during the established period through a written or oral test. It is mandatory for students to register online through the Virtual Campus ESSE3 at least ten days before the established exam dates.

Procedure to register for exams:

  • log in to your Personal Area with your username and password
  • select "Exam sessions (Appelli)" from the left menu
  • Follow the instructions

 If you encounter any problems while booking the exam (such as a matricola pari/dispari, resto 0/1/2), you can use the TICKET service by clicking on (using your Esse3 credentials) within the established deadline. Select the correct department where the subject is taught and include the following information:

- UNISA enrollment number (i.e. ERASMSIN0XXX)

- Component code of the exam (i.e. 02127XXXX)

- Name of the exam (i.e. Matematica)

- Date of the exam: (i.e. 12/02/2022)

- Name of the professor (i.e. Prof. XXX)

Please note that booking the exam and accepting the grade is your responsibility. The grade of the exam MUST be accepted soon after the exam. If you don’t want to accept the grade you must ask the professor to give you an F grade if you need that exam to appear in your transcript of records!

  If you have any doubts or difficulties, please contact the International  Office..

Grading System

 The results of passed exams are given a grade based on the national system, where the top grade is 30 and the passing grade is 18. University credits (CFU) are equivalent to European credits (ECTS): 1 CFU = 1 ECTS. Course unit grade conversion from the Italian education system to the international education system will be carried out individually for each course unit and will be stated in the Transcript of Records issued to the student's home institution.

Italian language course

The University of Salerno offers Italian language courses (L2) for incoming students. Each course lasts 50 hours and is worth 5 credits. To receive credits, students must attend at least 70% of the lessons and pass the final exam.

If students require credits for the course to be included in their Transcript of Records, they must include it in their Learning Agreement within the established period. If they do not require credits, they may still participate in the course and receive a final certificate upon passing the exam.

Please note that students are only allowed to enroll in one free Italian language course. If they wish to further improve their skills, they may enroll in other more advanced courses for a fee.

More info


For non-EU students it is compulsory to hold a health insurance (or a health insurance payment receipt) in order to apply for the residence permit. They can choose among three alternatives to obtain a health coverage:

  1. Purchase aprivate health insurancein their own country before departure. It is always advisable that the insurance policy is validated by the Italian embassy and translated into Italian or English.
  2. Register with the Italian National Service (SSN).This insurance is validone calendar year (1st  January - 31st December) and costs about € 150,00.
  3. Purchase a private health insurance upon arrival in Italy.

We strongly advice students to get proper information about what covers every insurance before purchasing it. 

Also, students may go to the general health centre located at Fisciano Campus for first aid care. This service is free of charge for all incoming students.

Permit of stay (Only for non-EU students)


Within eight working days upon arrival, non-EU students must apply for a Permit of stay (Permesso di soggiorno) through the Post Office located on Fisciano Campus.

The student association AEGEE-Salerno will assist non-EU students in filling in the application form (the so-called "Kit")

Obtaining the Permit of stay is compulsory and it costs about € 147,00 (including revenue stamp and operating costs).

 Required documents:

  • Copy of all pages of the passport or identity card;
  • Copy of the Visa issued by the Embassy or Consulate;
  • Copy of the insurance policy covering the student from health and accidents problems for the whole period of his/her stay;
  • 4 ID-card/passport size pictures;
  • Lease contract or statement of current residence of the student;
  • Italian tax code (Codice Fiscale). Students may obtain their personal Codice Fiscale at the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia dell'Entrate) located in Via degli Uffici Finanziari, 7, 84131, Salerno.
  • Ambulance service: 118
  • Police: 113
  • Carabinieri: 112
  • Fire brigade: 115

Courses are usually organised in two semesters. Semester dates:

1st semester:

  • Starts in September/ October
  • Ends in December/ January
  • Examinations: January/ February/ March (resit examinations)

2nd semester:

  • Starts in February/ March
  • Ends in May/ June
  • Examinations: June/ July/ September (resit examinations)

Most courses last one semester, but there are also courses that last for the whole academic year.

The beginning of each semester may vary depending on each Department. Updated information will be published on their websites.


  • 21st September: Patron Saint of Salerno (San Matteo)
  • 23rd December – 6th January: Christmas break
  • 25th April: Italian Liberation Day
  • 1st May: Labour Day
  • 2nd June: Italian Republic Holiday

For students with special needs, the "Diritto allo Studio" office provides support. Their services include:

  • Assistance with administrative formalities;
  • Preparation of teaching materials for students who cannot use printed materials;
  • Computer aids and study support;
  • Dedicated equipment and furnishings for classes.

In addition, each department has a coordinator who deals with disabled students. More information can be found on the university's website.

More info

At the end of their stay, incoming students are asked to visit the International Office to obtain their final certificate of stay. Before checking out make sure that all examinations have been recorded. Credits acquired (ECTS), grades obtained and any other activities carried out at the University of Salerno are recorded on the Transcript of Records. The Transcript of Records (with a scanned copy of the certificate of stay) will be sent directly to the International Relations Office of Partner Universities by email, putting the student in cc. 

It is strongly recommended that students do not book their flight back home on the day after their last exam, as exam dates may change.