Services | Residences, Cafeterias and Refreshment Points
Services Residences, Cafeterias and Refreshment Points
Since 2009, the Fisciano campus has beenequipped with a complex of highly efficient residence halls for students and faculty.
An important result in terms of urban and social planning, the Fisciano residences count 780 beds. They are made up of one-room flats and ready-furnished mini-apartments, all equipped with air conditioning, kitchenette, telephone, internet connection, satellite TV input. Accommodation comprises additional services (reception rooms, study rooms, meeting rooms, a breakfast room, lounges, automatic laundries, cafés, a projection room, a gym). Most of the one-room flats are reserved for "fuori sede" students (i.e. students residing outside the metropolitan area of Salerno) who have been awarded accommodation. Occupancy lasts at least 10 months. Mini-apartments and one-room flats which are not reserved for fuori sede students are given to other guests for a fee according to A.DI.S.U. regulations. Some housing units are specially equipped for students with disabilities; others are intended for foreign students and teachers for the purpose of fostering internationalization. Another complex was built in Sava (Baronissi) with A.DI.S.U. funds. This has three floors and hosts 86 beds, 10 of which for people with disabilities. The complex of residence halls run by A.DI.S.U also includes the recovery and consolidation of Palazzo Barra in Lancusi (Fisciano), approximately 1km from the Baronissi campus. The building has 21 mini apartments for a total of 24 beds, 2 of which for disabled people.
Regulations can be found at

Catering service
The catering service, run by A.DI.S.U., is one of the flagships of Salerno University. The service is provided in two facilities open from 12.00 am to 3.00 pm Monday to Friday. The main facility has approximately 1300 seats and is located at the Fisciano campus. Students can choose a traditional lunch, paying according to their family income bracket, or supplement or change the composition of their lunch with extra items and various drinks. The cafeteria also provides pizza and hot dogs, as well as food baskets and drinks. The cafeteria is open for lunch 12:00 – 03:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday. The prices are kept low and a full meal costs € 3.00. At the first access, students have to enroll at the Information Desk near the entrance, in order to get a personal card.
The daily menus are promptly posted on the company website. During the summer months, stands selling homemade ice cream are also available.
The second facility, located at the Baronissi campus, only provides pizza and food baskets prepared at the Fisciano cafeteria.
For students of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Professions, a catering service is provided at the refectory of the University Hospital “OO.RR.S. Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi D’Aragona” in Salerno. Furthermore, A.DI.S.U. Salerno, in collaboration with “Associazione Italiana Celiaci Onlus Campania”, has started a catering service for celiacs.