Excellent Food and Wine

Surroundings Excellent Food and Wine

Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP

The wide wealth of products, flavors and colors that characterizes agriculture bell, it is also its main asset.

Many products famous all over the world who have received the name protected by the European Union.

Examples of excellent food are:

  • Mozzarella di Bufala Campana
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • S. Marzano tomato
  • Amalfi Coast Lemon

Examples of excellent wine are:

  • Taurasi
  • Greco di Tufo
  • Fiano di Avellino
  • Aglianico del Taburno

Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOPMozzarella di Bufala Campana DOPPomodoro SanmarzanoMelannurca Campana IGPCarciofo di Paestum IGPOli DOP Campani (Olio Extravergine d'Oliva del Cilento, Colline Salernitane, Penisola Sorrentina)Fico Bianco del Cilento DOPLimoni IGP della Costa d'Amalfi e SorrentoNocciola di Giffoni IGPCastagna di Montella IGPCaciocavallo Silano DOPVitellone Bianco dell'Appennino Centrale IGP

 To learn more:

Observatory of Southern Apennines - University of Salerno

The Centre pursues the aim of promoting activities in the field of the study of the territory, with particular reference to the hydrogeological system, the biotypes, fauna, agroforestry productions, economy, typology, history and development of human settlements of the Apennines Southern.

Unisapori Association - University of Salerno

The Unisapori Association was founded in the Campus of Fisciano, involving from the beginning students, professor and fans of food and wine of our territory, attracting the interest of firms  and institutions.

Agriculture Department - Campania Region

Website on typical and traditional products of Campania